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Author Guidelines

Before submitting the manuscript, please provide two files:

  1. Cover Page that includes title of the paper, name of author, name of author’s affiliation, postal address of the authors, email address, 150-200 words abstract, 4-5 keywords, 50-100 words brief author bio, and ORCID ID if applicable. Please mention the manuscript's corresponding author.
  2. Main Document that includes title of the paper, abstract, keywords, body of the manuscript, references, and appendices if any. Ensure the Main Document is anonymised, and the document does not contain any indication of the authors’ identity.


In formatting the manuscript, please follow the instruction below:

  • The manuscript (main document) should range between 6,000 and 8,000 words (all-inclusive; including title, abstract, keywords, body of the manuscript, references, footnotes, caption, and appendices).
  • The manuscript is an original work. Also, the manuscript is not currently being submitted to nor is waiting for a decision from other journals/publication venues.
  • The spelling used should be in British (UK) English, and please proofread the work before submission.
  • Each in-text citation should appear in the reference list, which is placed at the end of the manuscript. The manuscript should follow the APA 6th edition style guide.
  • Please use Times New Roman 12-point with double space.
  • The manuscript should have the basics headings such as Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Results/Findings, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Sub headings are subject to the relevance of the topic’s writing organisation.
  • Tables and figures are allowed in the manuscript, and ensure that the table and caption are editable for formatting purposes.
  • You can consult with the template

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